Workers’ Compensation
We accept Worker’s Compensation patients on an individual basis and after thorough record review. It is important that our physicians understand your claim as well as the ability to offer orthopaedic/surgical intervention that will be of benefit to you. Our physicians don’t acts as a Primary Treating Physician (PTP) for any worker’s comp patient, claim, or carrier; therefore all patients will need to have a PTP in place prior to being seen. Ideally the referral would come from the PTP with the understanding that patients will be returning to them for long term management and final reporting once your orthopaedic treatment is complete or has reached its maximum benefit level. Although we accept referrals directly from the comp carrier or even attorneys, a primary treating physician would still need to be in place for this purpose.
To view the PTP Declaration letter your physician will send you, please click here to visit our Forms page.
Note: There is a review of records fee that is charged to the workers comp carrier (or sometimes attorneys when applicable) for time spent and determination of accepting patient claims. Finally, the workers compensation carrier/adjuster will need to provide written authorization for us to treat prior to seeing a patient.
For more information or to see how you can get started, feel free to call our office directly. We would be glad to assist you.